May 5, 2014
Your thoughts on multitasking.
Do you agree? Can you multitask? Do you disagree?

I feel that most
people are able to multitask to an extent but it certainly isn't the most
effective or efficient way to get things done.
In the video Digital Nation a
professor spoke about quizzes he gives to his students that should be easy as
long as they are paying full attention to the lecture and/or readings done for
the class. Throughout classes the
students are not only listening to the lecture but they are also checking their
email, going on their Facebook and chatting with their friends. This professor found that because the
students are multitasking, throughout lectures, they are only averaging a 75%
on these quizzes. I feel that this
shows, yes a person can multitask, but they cannot be 100% efficient in each
task they are pursuing. I know that for
myself when I try and do too many things at once I get distracted and do not
tend to complete anything I intended to at that time.
Is there an addiction happening in
society today with technology or is it just a new way of living?
Should we be concerned?

Do parents of today have any idea
what their kids are doing online? Whose job is it to teach them the
safety and digital responsibility? Parents/Teachers/ Community/Government??

Work Cited:
"Hack Productivity - Multitasking is Like Kissing Your Elbow." The Best Email App for GTD Productivity and Inbox Zero Hack Productivity Multitasking is Like Kissing Your Elbow Comments. N.P., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. <>.
"Watch Online 90 minutes." PBS. PBS. n.d. Web. 3 May 2014.
"Growning Up Online." PBS. PBS. n.d. Web. 3 May 2014.
"Teen Internet Use Graphic." Pew Research Center RSS. N.P., n.d. Web 5 May 2014.
"Half of Parents Join Facebook Just to Monitor Their Kids Online." Parenting. N.p., n.d. Web 5 May 2014.
Hello Heather,
ReplyDeleteYou had said “I feel that there should be some concern and we need to be making sure, as teachers, parents, and role models to children, that we are teaching them that technology is not the end all be all.” Agreed. Technology can be a huge help in nearly all the time, but people need to know that it is important to unplug. Personally, I like the game you can play with your friends where you all stack your phones on the table and the first person to take their phone and use it buys dinner for everyone. Incentive to unplug :-)